Episode 25

The Importance of The Heart (1 Samuel) | S3E2


October 17th, 2023

42 mins 12 secs

Season 3

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Host, Darien Clark, Zachary Forbes, and Discipleship Pastor, Justin Foster, lead a deep discussion from 1 Samuel 16:7 that reads, "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on the appearance or the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.'" Episode two starts with this scripture and involes a rich dialogue around a beautiful yet convicting quality of our God.

This is a conversation show about the things we're thinking about, the things we care about, and the things that are important to the life and culture for the people of Legacy Church in Plano, Texas. We pray this season will offer you times of encouragement, laughter, and most importantly a deeper desire to know and love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.