Episode 42

La Chapelle Montreal Mission Trip Recap | S4E8


May 21st, 2024

39 mins 31 secs

Season 4

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Host, Darien Clark, is joined by guests Bruce Walpole, Mark Smith, and Zachary Forbes. These men along with Jeff Flovin, Ed Gentry, Bryan Rodgers, and Josh Walpole went to serve the people in Montreal, Canada alongside Legacy's partner, La Chapelle Church. Together, they dropped what they were doing in their personal lives to serve for a week in April. During their time there, they got their hands dirty working to establish yet another new church building and plant in the city.

"It's the closest thing to a revival that I've ever seen..." Bruce said. Throughtout this episode we will hear all of the incredible things they witnessed and the impact that God did both in them and through them while they answer the call to go and serve. Listen in as these men speak on behalf of the team about the incredible testimony God is writing in this region of Canada.

This is a conversation show about the things we're thinking about, the things we care about, and the things that are important to the life and culture for the people of Legacy Church in Plano, Texas. We pray this season will offer you times of encouragement, laughter, and most importantly a deeper desire to know and love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.