Episode 55
"Everyone, Everywhere, All of the Time!" Part 2 | S5E10
December 3rd, 2024
26 mins 10 secs
Season 5
Your Hosts
About this Episode
Throughout part two of this inter-seasonal series of "Everyone, Everywhere, All of the Time!", we get to hear stories from folks at Legacy Church about how this phrase has been relevant to each of them recently. God desires and commands us to play a role in finishing The Great Commission here on earth, and we get to hear about how that is being lived out today. Thank you to Shelby VanMaanen and Omotayo Olaleye for sharing their heart and testimonies of how God is using them in their lives.
Do you have a testimony you'd like to share for a future episode? If so, find Zachary Forbes or Darien Clark at church and they'll get you sarted with next steps!
This is a conversation show about things that are important to the life and culture of the people of Legacy Church in Plano, TX. Our mission is to provide you with positive content based on a Biblical worldview that will encourage you wherever you are in your day.